Online Estate Planning Shop
All the Estate planning Documents you need to ensure your and your family’s financial future is taken care of. All legal documents powered by HazeLegal.
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Featured Product
Our Essential Estate Planning Solution. Everything you and your family will need to secure their future:
A Will tailored to your needs
Appointing a Guardian to take care of your kids
Optional Directions to the Guardian
An Optional Testamentary Trust to protect your assets, family and children from financial abuse, as well as potential tax savings. Download our FREE Guide on Testamentary Trusts and how they can benefit you.
Medical Power of Attorney so someone can make health care decisions when you can’t
Financial Power of Attorney to appoint someone to take care of your money when you can’t
$999 (offers value up to $4,350*)
*According to New Law CLE Survey of Fixed-Price Legal Services 2022
$149 - Do it Yourself Will (All States)
$199 - Women’s Empowerment Will
Empower other women in business by getting your Will done.
$99 - Medical Power of Attorney
Appoint someone to make medical decisions for you when needed
$99 - Create an Advance Care Directive or Living Will
$99 - Enduring Power of Attorney (Financial and Lifestyle decisions) (Victoria)
$99 - Enduring Power of Attorney (Financial and Lifestyle) (NSW)
$150 - Medical and Enduring Powers of Attorney (Victoria)
2 in 1 Appointment of medical Treatment Decision Maker (MPOA) and Enduring Power of Attorney
$99 - Memorandum of Wishes
Basic Memorandum of Wishes to your Trustee
$99 - Deed of Gift
$99 - Enduring Power of Attorney (Victoria)
$100 - Resolution to Change Trustees
$299 - Prevent a Challenge to your Will or Estate
$29 - Physical copy of My Life Manual - Information and Messages for my Executors and Loved Ones - Australian Edition