Legacy Protect Program

Choose one of 3 Legacy Protect packages:



Ensure that your family has access to the documents and information they need on your passing.

What’s included:

  1. Digital Vault

  2. Executors Guide and Checklist

  3. Estate Planning Checklist

  4. Testamentary Trust Guide

Every month
Every year


Get the Essentials

What’s included:

  1. Digital Vault

  2. Estate Planning Checklist

  3. Testamentary Trusts Guide

  4. Customised Guide and Checklist for your Executor.

  5. 10% Discount of any further required Documents

  6. Annual Review of your Estate Planning

  7. 10% Discount on Probate application

Every year


For those who really care about their family and want to protect them.

What’s included:

  1. Digital Vault

  2. Estate Planning Checklist

  3. Testamentary Trusts Guide

  4. Customised Guide and Checklist for your Executor.

  5. 10% Discount of any further required Documents

  6. Annual Review of your Estate Planning

  7. 10% Discount on Probate application

  8. Guided Notes on why you wrote your Will in the way that you did to minimise disputes

  9. Your Funeral Wishes compiled

  10. Directions to your Power of Attorney

  11. Directions for your sentimental possessions

  12. Guided template for Information on your Assets

  13. Guided Template of information of your Liabilities including tax information

  14. Letter template to a potential step parent to your child

  15. Letter template of what to say to a Loved One

  16. Letter template seeking forgiveness

  17. Vital Information on those you Support and care for, including pets.

  18. Professional Advisors Template