What is The Complete Estate Planning Solution?
As a single mum, or one in a blended family, you are faced with how to pass your legacy onto your kids, and no one else. We create the legal mechanisms (Wills, Powers of Attorney and Trusts), we also provide the templates for the information you will need to organize and leave to your executor and family, be it financial, legal or personal, that will:
Leave comforting messages and information to your kids;
Make your executors job easier, so nothing gets left out;
Minimize the risk of challenges to your Will.
Protect your personal information to be released only to those you choose.
What do you want your legacy to be?
The Complete Estate Planning Solution is a one-of-a-kind solution to help Busy Mothers protect, create and manage their legacy, through the creation of legal mechanism and documents, information production, being legal, financial and personal, and the protection of that information, so that they can protect their children.
Who’s it for?
Single and re-partnered mums who:
Love their kids dearly and want to show that they care, even after they are gone;
Want to protect their legacy for their kids;
Are time-poor;
Have various assets worth protecting, such a property, a business etc.
Your peace of mind is priceless
What Results can you expect?
Here are some of the results we’ve helped our clients achieve:
All your estate planning in one place, designed exclusively for you and your situation;
Protecting all that you have worked so hard for to the benefit of your kids;
Quick and easy, for the busy mum, it only takes 30 minutes.
Your kids will know that you cared enough to look out for them;
All the information your Kids, family and executors could possibly need to make yoru passing easier
Your information is released only to those you choose, protecting your privacy, information and assets.
It’s not about you, it’s about them.
Providing you with the opportunity to decide what you want your legacy to be.
When you invest in the Complete Estate Planning Solution, you get:
The Necessary Legal documents
A Will;
Medical Power of Attorney;
Enduring Power of Attorney (Lifestyle and Financial);
And a flexible Testamentary Trust;
Download our free ebook on why you absolutely need a Testamentary Trust.
30-minute consultation with one of our lawyers;
To ensure your Will reflects your intentions;
To Answer any questions;
All the tools so your executor can do their job easily;
Assets Information;
Liabilities and Tax information;
Directions for personal and Sentimental items, that doesn’t override your Will;
Detailed Funeral wishes and directions;
All the tools and guidance for your power of Attorney to make the right decisions for you:
Directions for your Attorney;
Medical History;
The tools to minimize an Estate Challenge:
Your reasoning for writing your Will as you did (based on common grounds for challenging a Will)
A statutory Declaration to combat a challenge to your Will after you die,
addressing each possible ground someone may challenge your will
Speak from the grave;
Templates for information you may wish to leave to your loved ones, and suggestions of how you can make your passing easier for them;
Letters to loved ones
Letter for forgiveness
Information for your child’s guardian
Guardian Guidelines (Optional).
Your own Digital Vault
Military grade encryption;
where you can store all this information,
and nominate who will have access to it after you pass
Documents are sent out to your nominated persons after your death is confirmed.
Not sure what you need? Download our free Estate Planning Checklist
How it works
The Complete Estate Planning Solution
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